Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finished up Michele's table runner. I used the same "Dr. Seuss Feathers" design, but tried to modify it just a little to make it look somewhat like fireworks. It looks fun and festive!

Next up: Donovan's Boot Camp graduation quilt!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blue and Yellow Sampler

Finished the quilt for Miss Kitty! Things went together quite well--no snags, no tension problems...awesome!

I did a type of Dr. Seuss feathers over the whole surface.
Three more projects are waiting in the wings, but I also have a quilt in transit that has ASAP status. Considering it's a gift for a Marine graduating from boot camp, I'm happy to accommodate! Hoo-yah!
Karen, Ye Merrie Quilter

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Long time, no post

Worked on only two pieces these past few weeks--

Blue Christmas quilt for Donna. This took extra long because of ordering delays from the thread supplier. I needed a varigated blue thread for the top (black for the back) that I couldn't find in the local shops--out of desperation to get started, I was willing to pay retail, but there was nothing available locally. I then went to my online wholesaler and had to wait (I think they were away at a show). Then I had some tension problems with the machine (operator error), so I had to spend about a week picking out bad stitches. Frustrating and time consuming... but the end result was very satisfying!

Next up is a blue and yellow sampler from Miss Kathy. I think the best thread for the job is the same one I used for the Blue Christmas, but I may need a light blue or medium grey for the back. I will probably get started on this tomorrow. It wants Dr. Seuss feathers! Or maybe swirlies...

Happy quilting!

Karen, Ye Merrie Quilter